It's been quite sometime since I updated this blog. I had a rough July with
running. Not only did I have shin splints but the heat & humidity was punishing
to every runner I know. I cannot stress enough how much hydration is needed,
especially in the summer months.
A dear very experienced running friend was down for a few days due to
dehydration. She knows what is needed & had even written an article on it weeks
before. It can happen to anyone. Drink drink drink.
I had two friends have injuries this week (knee & ankle). They may be laid up
for a week. I can only run on trails right now until I'm 100% again.
Being on the sidelines isn't easy. We are out of our routines. We cannot run &
in some cases cross-training is out of the question. So what do you do during
those days & weeks?
Refocus. Focus on that next race physically & mentally. What will your training
plan be when you return to running? What is your goal for the next race.
For me, I want to PR at Emerald City, use the USAF as a training run for Detroit
& finish Detroit with an average pace of 10 min. I know they are all possible, I
just need to take the steps to get there.
The other running goals I have for the next year are the Disney Race & a Half
(half marathon Sat & a full on Sun) & to run the Paris (yes France) marathon in
April. Pretty large goals for a new runner, but I aim big. I know it won't be
easy with school, but would it really be a goal if just anyone could do it?
What are your goals & dreams?
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