Friday, May 27, 2011

Core Core Core

This is my first blog so forgive me if I don't have everything perfect. I figure if you haven't read any of my DailyMile updates, you probably wont read this so no point in reliving how I hurt my hip. While at the expo for the Cleveland Half Marathon, I spoke to the Medical Director and she believes my core is slightly week and the pain is coming from my hip muscles over working to support my leg and hip. I don't have any issues during a race, but the next day I will be tender. I made an appointment with the local chiropractor who is also a runner and had him work on me. I feel better than what I did but I'm still not 100%.

 2011 Detroit Free Press Marathon
Finishers Medal

I first visited with Dr. Dan on Monday. On Tuesday, my first run after Cleveland, I ran 4.5 Miles with my friend Deb M. The next day, I was sore, really sore. I have been working out and focusing on my core this week and have many sore muscles. But hopefully if I don't run for 2 weeks and keep working out, I can start picking up some miles.

I need to get healthy soon because my plan is to run in the Detroit Marathon in October. Prior to running in Detroit, I will probably run in the Air Force Half Marathon in Dayton in September. In case you don't know much about marathons, they are 26.2 miles. A half marathon is 13.1 miles (tricky huh). I have been asked why I am running in a marathon. The answer is quite simple. There is no other time you can run down the middle of a freeway and not have to worry about becoming a permanent speed bump.

Why run in Detroit when Columbus is closer, on the same day as the Detroit Marathon and I can run with friends? There are actually a few reasons.

  1. I have never traveled to Canada and the Detroit Marathon is partially run in Canada.
  2. The Detroit Marathon is the only marathon that I know of in which you run in a tunnel under a body of water.
  3. The Detroit Marathon medals look way cool.
  4. The hotel I am planning on staying at, is right by the starting line.

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